
You remember that thing I posted about painter’s block, about, um, 5 years ago????

I’ve finally finished Gondrin:


I had finished four figures on the command stand – the standard bearers and drummers, and the rest of the figures were sitting primed on painting bottles on my desk.  For 5 years.  Wow.  I’ve recently taken to finishing up long-started, long-unfinished projects on my desk.  This was one of them.


It’s funny how you get away from something and forget how much you enjoy it.  I’ve come back to two long forgotten things recently – painting Front Rank WSS figures and painting Calpe Napoleonics.  You can read about the latter shortly on my painting distractions blog.  These are such a joy to paint.


Interestingly, this is the one period where I don’t have tons of unpainted lead.  I have the rest of the Danish foot for Ramillies, and a few cavalry and that’s it.  I pulled out a unit of Danish cav that I have started and will finish those soon.  Now all I have to do is get these lads out for a game.

Here is both battalions of Gondrin.


4 thoughts on “Gondrin!

  1. Great to see that you are again active! The figures, flags and painting are just fantastic. I like seeing the French uniform on the lighter side of gray or off white.

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